Gender Affirming Practice
Event Details
Understanding the nature of how gender is identified with and spoken about with your clients is an essential component of responsible and professional clinical practice in this ever-changing
Event Details
Understanding the nature of how gender is identified with and spoken about with your clients is an essential component of responsible and professional clinical practice in this ever-changing landscape.
This tutorial is designed for those who currently work with people and are interested in expanding their skills and awareness of gender issues in today’s society.
How to talk about gender and gender identifications requires appropriate language, skills and relevant sensitivities, to ensure an accurate understanding of the lived experience of clients of any sexual orientation or gender identification, including ‘cisgender’ clients. (Cisgender: denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity corresponds with the gender assigned for them at birth; not transgender.)
Assumptions of what constitutes what is ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’ can easily overlook the nuances and subtleties of lived experience and at worse, be discriminatory and insulting. A recent national community survey cited that the number of gender diverse individuals seeking gender affirming healthcare worldwide is rising rapidly. (The Health and Well-Being of Transgender Australians: A National Community Survey, by Bretherton et al., 2021.)
This tutorial on gender, is not limited to individuals presenting with diverse gender identities. The damage of gender stereotyping to self-esteem and mental health is well documented. The aim of this tutorial is toward a greater awareness of limiting gender social norms. Awareness of our own assumptions around gender can lead to more personal choice, healthy individuation for both ourselves as practitioners, our clients and our society.
Rochelle will present a three-hour online tutorial exploring notions of gender assumptions and norms, covering appropriate language use, and will draw on current and the ever-dynamic gender and trans-affirming practice models endorsed by AusPATH (The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health) and ACON Pride Training.
Rochelle Oshlack (she/her) is a PACFA Clinical Member in private practice as a Gestalt Family and Couples’ Psychotherapist. She works with families and individuals who are transitioning, considering transitioning, or exploring their gender. Rochelle is a faculty member with the Relational Institute Australia (TRIA) as well is the Clinic Co-ordinator of the TRIA Community Clinic. She is a member of AusPATH and has completed ACON Pride Training Trans Affirming Practice, University of Melbourne’s Mental Health Care for Trans, Gender Diverse and Non-Binary people module, and has recently attended the AusPATH Research Seminar Series: Children and Adolescents. Rochelle has also been a co-president and board member of the Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of New South Wales.
6-9pm April 27th, 2023 via zoom
Ticket Price
$120 + GST
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