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20Oct(Oct 20)10:00 am22(Oct 22)2:00 pmGESTALT GRADUATE SPRING RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMFor Gestalt graduates 10:00 am - 2:00 pm (22)(GMT+11:00)

Event Details

This 3 day residential program is available exclusively to Gestalt graduates as an annual professional development opportunity to deepen your Gestalt practice within your community of practitioners and students.

It will take place within the TRIA Spring residential for current students, providing a rich learning opportunity along with the much loved Gestalt residential community immersion.

Participants will:  

  • Review and deepen their Gestalt skills and practice as a graduate. 
  • Explore individual life experiences which have contributed to each participant’s emerging therapeutic style. 
  • Observe and participate in demonstrations, experiential exercises and live supervision which focus intensely on improving clinical skills and emphasizes the integration of clinical work and Gestalt theory. 
  • Be provided with opportunities to develop and refine their clinical style. 
  • Be part of a rich and dynamic working group: both the graduate cohort and the larger training community.
  • Enjoy informal time within community in nature in a beautiful retreat setting. 
  • It is entirely likely there will be the usual theatrics and dancing



The graduate cohort will be supported by Dr Michael Reed (pronoun he/ him) is a Registered Psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia, Accredited Clinical Social Worker, Couples and Family Therapist and Authorised Clinical Supervisor. Michael completed a Bachelor of Social Work degree in 1972 (UNSW), a Clinical Social Work Master degree in 1986 (UHaifa) and a PhD in 1995 (Faculty of Medicine/Psychiatry, USydney).   Michael commenced his training in Gestalt Therapy in 1978 and has continued attending various levels of advanced training since that time. Michael began practicing Gestalt therapy in 1982. In 1996 Michael convened the first meeting of Australia and New Zealand Gestalt therapy training centers in Sydney, Australia which led to the establishment of ‘Gestalt Australia & New Zealand: An Association of Gestalt Practitioners’ (GANZ) in 1998. Michael was the inaugural Chairperson of GANZ (1998-2000), Chair of the Ethics Committee (1998-2006) and was honored to be awarded ‘Fellow’ of GANZ in 2006.   Michael has attended several GATLA European Summer Residentials (2001-2018) as part of his ongoing training at Clinical Practicum/Master Class Levels and completed the GATLA Certification Exam in 2015. He has run a part-time private psychology/psychotherapy practice since 1982 and a full-time private practice since 1998 in Crows Nest. He has been involved in Gestalt therapy training at faculty, senior faculty, visiting faculty, directorship, supervision, and workshop levels across accredited higher education and Gestalt therapy training programs in Australia and overseas.


Hunter Valley Retreat: http://huntervalleyretreat.com.au Friday October 20- Sunday October 22. 10am Friday- 2pm Sunday


October 20-22, 2023

Ticket Price

Fees include all meals and accomodation single studio suite (rooms are king size bed- contact us if you would like to twin share) EB rates before June 30th: $1200 + GST Full rate after June 30th: $1295 + GST

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